
The activities and resources on this website have been developed and published by occupational therapist Bunty McDougall, who has a special interest in fine motor skills, pre-writing and handwriting.  Please always be aware you are using these resources, activities and programmes at your own risk.

The Happy Handwriter's resources, which may most certainly be used in conjunction with occupational therapy, are not in themselves occupational therapy.  Instead, occupational therapy follows specific referrals for identified difficulties, followed by assessment, parent feedback, and recommendations for therapeutic intervention.

The Happy Handwriter's resources may be used by parents, teachers, homeschooling families and therapists to bring about changes and improvements in fine motor, pre-writing and handwriting skills.  However, they are not in themselves occupational therapy.  The Happy Handwriter does not offer occupational therapy.

The Wall Model may be used and customised for your children, and the use of it is at your own risk.

The activities, programmes and resources should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice or evaluation from a medical doctor or other qualified healthcare providers, including occupational therapists.  All resources are used at your own risk.  Never leave a child unattended during these activities.

Bunty McDougall, The Happy Handwriter, The Wall Model, or anyone associated with them may not be held responsible or liable for using these resources, activities and programmes.

Last update: 17 May 2023