Handwriting Skills
Children with poor handwriting skills score lower in tests and exams. This is why we need to focus on handwriting development with these South African handwriting resources.
It seems unfair that our children would score poorly for messy work but research has shown this clearly. A research study took a piece of written work that was found to score in the 50th percentile. They had the same piece of work re-written in copy book handwriting. This same piece of work was then marked by the teachers who awarded it marks in the 80th percentile. Well-chosen South African handwriting resources can assist in establishing good handwriting patterns
The same piece of work was once again re-written but with messy handwriting. The kind of messy handwriting we see in so many of our children’s school books. Some letters were reversed, they were wobbly and illegible, and they were incorrectly placed on the lines. When this same piece of work was marked again by a number of independent teachers, it was found to score in the 16th percentile. This shows us that there is no doubt that handwriting matters. We have the best South African resources to equip our children with handwriting skills so they can tackle 3-hour exams without being held back by their ability to put their ideas on paper.
So many handwriting programmes are sourced from other countries. The fonts and handwriting styles aren’t consisted with ours. This isn’t helpful for our children when it comes to learning to write. South African handwriting resources are essential for our children to enable them to develop automatic handwriting that enables them to concentrate on working out what they should be writing down and not on how to form their letters and which way they should be facing.
Handwriting speed is critical when it comes to our children performing in tests and examinations. By developing an automatic fluid handwriting script, we can be sure they are empowered. Using South African handwriting resources is going to empower our children in this area.
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