Alphabet Posters for Classroom | Spatial Cues, Lines and Starting Positions

£ 5.00

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Our alphabet posters for classrooms will relieve your children’s confusion about where to start their letters and where to place them on the lines, so they can focus on what to write, not how to write.

Even if you already have alphabet posters for classroom display, investing in this resource which shows both the starting position and the placement on lines, will offer that bit more.

Your alphabet posters for classroom eResource contains:
26 x A5 upper and lowercase letters on lines with starting positions.

eBook Copyright Conditions: This alphabet posters for classroom eResource is sold as a single-user item.  This means you, and only you, may use and copy it.  Each classroom must have its own copy.  You may not pass it on to or share it with colleagues. Each person must buy their own copy, or it is a copyright violation.  The resource may not be sold to a third party.  The copyright conditions apply equally across the spectrum from affluent to non-profits, and previously disadvantaged settings.  Please get in touch with us directly for a quote for multiple classrooms.

The Copyright Rules – Simplified Version: This alphabet posters for classroom resource is not a freebie.  You have to pay for it.  It may be used for one classroom.  You are not allowed to share or give a copy to anyone.  You can’t return it.  You also can’t sell it. Please get in touch with us directly for a quote for multiple classrooms.  That’s it!

Our alphabet posters for classroom eResource are nonreturnable and nonrefundable.

If you are for looking for resources to teach letter formation, take a look at Printing Book 2.

If you believe starting positions matter, you can’t afford to be without this resource!

£ 5.00Add to basket


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Alphabet posters for classroom with spatial cues, lines and starting positions.
Alphabet Posters for Classroom | Spatial Cues, Lines and Starting Positions
£ 5.00