The Easter Fine Motor eBook

£ 6.00

ISBN 978-0-6399033-4-7

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We have developed our Easter themed fine motor skills to target the exact foundation skills your child will need to refine the foundations for pencil grip and pencil control.  This means you can be sure that with each activity, you are targeting the exact muscles your child’s teacher needs you to.  No more guessing or worrying how to help your child develop fine motor skills for handwriting.  Get your eBook full of Easter fine motor worksheets and Easter egg fine motor activities, find developmentally appropriate activities, and you can know you are on the right track.

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Even though there are loads of Easter fine motor worksheets on the internet, you can’t always be sure they will target the exact muscles and movement patterns you need for your child to improve their handwriting.  No more spending hours hoping your chosen activity will do the trick, we have done it for you!

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Occupational therapists have the skills to analyse the movements and muscles used in an activity. They also have the ability to develop activities that do just what we need to develop muscles for pencil grip.

This isn’t just a fun collection of Easter egg fine motor activities, it has been carefully crafted to ensure each of the Easter ideas provides maximum opportunity to target the correct muscles and muscle groups for pencil grip and pencil control which support legible and fluid handwriting skills.

If you are looking for other activities for home, take a look at our Cutting Safari eBook.

Your Easter eBook contains:
10 Easter fine motor worksheets
30 pages

eBook Copyright Conditions:
This valentine’s fine motor activities for kids eBook is being sold as a single user item. This means you, and only you, may use and copy it. It may not be passed onto colleagues. Each person must buy their own copy, or it is a copyright violation. The book may not be sold onto a third party. The copyright conditions apply equally across the spectrum from affluent, to non-profits and previously disadvantaged settings.  Please contact us directly for a quote for large group settings.

The Copyright Rules – Simplified Version:
This is not a freebie. You have to pay for it. You are not allowed to share or give a copy to anyone. You can’t return it.  You also can’t sell it. Please contact us directly for a quote for large group settings. That’s it!

Our eBook of Easter fine motor craft is nonreturnable and nonrefundable.

eBook of Easter Fine Motor Crafts designed by occupational therapist, Bunty McDougall.

£ 6.00Add to basket


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Easter fine motor worksheets designed by an occupational therapist.
The Easter Fine Motor eBook
£ 6.00