Muscle Mania® Bundle eVersion. Fine Motor Skills Development.
£ 1,100.00
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The Muscle Mania Bundle offers you a fine motor and pre-writing curriculum to implement immediately. Because you know it is age appropriate and carefully graded by an occupational therapist, you do not need to be worried about presenting the children with activities that are not suitable. The just-right-challenge in the activities enables you to see improvements in fine motor skills development right before your eyes.
Even if you already have loads of ideas for fine motor skills development groups, the Grade R and Grade 00 Muscle Mania offer 48 and 64 graded lessons respectively. They have been put together for you in a structured way so you don’t have to do all the thinking and planning. The lesson plans are there for you to implement as they are, or to tweak to suit your unique audience.
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Your investment in this fine motor skills development Bundle means you will have it for ever! You will have reproducible rights for all the activity sheets for life!
The easy to follow lesson plans with clearly defined fine motor goals, make it easy to implement. Carefully graded with catchy songs to accompany the activities, this is a hit with the teachers and children alike.
Because the children love the heroes of the programme, Muggle the monkey and Harry the elephant, it is easy to engage them in the activities and process. And this, together with the regular implementation, means their skills improve.
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Your Muscle Mania group eBook Bundle for fine motor skills development includes the following:
- 560 printable pages;
- A total of 112 thirty-minute lesson plans brimming with fine motor activities for preschoolers;
- A clearly laid out lesson plan for each lesson;
- An equipment booklet about the supplies and equipment you will need to assemble for your Muscle Mania groups;
- Extensive background information on how to do each activity, so your children gain the optimal benefit;
- Grade 00 pre-writing skills activities;
- Grade R appropriate multisensory introduction to letter and number formation
- Reproducible rights for life for all the Muscle Mania activity sheets!
- In keeping with our multiple user policy, workbooks need to be purchased annually.
I have had the privilege of running the Grade 00 Muscle Mania® programme in the classroom since 2014. The inclusion of the Grade 00 programme into the school programme was requested following the amazing results of the Grade 0 programme.
The lesson plans are easy to follow and carefully graded to facilitate the children’s skill acquisition of cutting and drawing of basic lines and shapes. The children thoroughly enjoy the lessons and are very proud of their end-products! Fun skill builder activities and games are incorporated into the lessons to develop their manipulative hand skills. The fine motor dexterity and control, along with visual-perceptual skills, developed through the fun lessons have proved to prepare the children for future handwriting skills. We have noted a significant improvement in the quality of the children’s handwriting since the implementation of the Muscle Mania® programmes.
It is a superbly designed programme – perfect in every way to capture the attention of this age group and offering the age appropriate level of challenge to facilitate their skill development and motivation to succeed. The children have so much fun whilst developing their skills! I derive so much joy in sharing their fun, gains in skill and feelings of success. I offer this programme with the greatest confidence that the children will benefit from each and every lesson.
Karen Machattie, Occupational Therapist, Atlantic Seaboard, Cape Town
eBook Copyright Conditions:
Your fine motor skills development eBook Bundle is being sold as a single user item. This means you, and only you, may use and copy it. You may use it for all the children directly under your auspices. It may not be passed onto colleagues. Each person must buy their own copy, or it is a copyright violation. The book may not be sold onto a third party. The copyright conditions apply equally across the spectrum from affluent to non-profits and previously disadvantaged settings.
The Copyright Rules – Simplified Version:
This is not a freebie. You have to pay for it. You are not allowed to share or give a copy to anyone. You can’t return it. You also can’t sell it. That’s it!
I launched the Muscle Mania programme at Bishops Pre-Preparatory school in January 2016 with the Grade R classes. I did so on request of the HOD, who had seen the benefits of the programme at the previous school where she worked.
I have really enjoyed Muscle Mania, as have the boys and teachers. We can see so many positive results after only 6 months of doing the groups twice weekly. These include better pencil grip and control, steadily developing cutting skills, in-hand manipulation of small objects, finger strength and dexterity, to name a few.
Bunty has done an outstanding job of combining fun, focused work and skill development. She has put many years into developing and researching the activities and has crafted a thorough programme of skill development.
Jane Durham, Occupational Therapist, Bishops Pre-Preparatory School, Cape Town
Our Muscle Mania eBook Group Programme for pre-writing and fine motor skills development is nonreturnable and nonrefundable.
Only want one programme? Find the Grade R programme here, and the Grade 00 programme here.
Download Information
This is a big package! Please be sure you have a stable connection before downloading. Please download on a desktop or laptop – phones are not ideal for such a big package. Have any difficulties with your download? Send an email and I will fix it for you!
£ 1,100.00Add to basket
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