A Shapes Activities for Preschool eBook

£ 15.00

ISBN 978-1-990966-27-9

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We offer you to the best shapes activities for preschool so you can teach your child shape drawing in a fun and light-hearted way; so they can go on to master handwriting skills without having to battle because they don’t have the correct foundations in place.  Get shape drawing for kids now!

Even if teaching your child to draw shapes seems like it should be easy, having all the right resources presented in a graded manner by an occupational therapist, is going to ensure you will have a truck load of fun with your child.

The Handwriter’s Shape Builder is the ultimate graded tactile, kinaesthetic and auditory approach to the mastery of shapes, which are a foundational pre-writing skills activity.  The mastery of these basic shapes is a precursor to letter formation and handwriting making it so important to teach your kid to draw shapes.

Our shape builder will help you to ensure the pre-writing skills for preschoolers are in place so your child will be ready to learn to write without battling because the foundations are not in place.

Have fun with shapes activities for preschool!

Your shapes activities for preschool eBook contains:

  1. A guide so you will understand how to teach your child to master shape drawing;
  2. 64 Printable pages in all;
  3. 20 printable shape builder cards to laminate;
  4. 30 reproducible shape drawing activities.

eBook Copyright Conditions:
Your eBook is being sold as a single user item. This means you, and only you, may use and copy it. It may not be passed onto colleagues.  Each person must buy their own copy, or it is a copyright violation. The book may not be sold onto a third party.  The copyright conditions apply equally across the spectrum from affluent, to non-profits and previously disadvantaged settings.  Please contact us directly for a quote for large group settings for shapes drawing for kids.

The Copyright Rules – Simplified Version:
This is not a freebie. You have to pay for it. You are not allowed to share or give a copy to anyone. You can’t return it. You also can’t sell it. Please contact us directly for a quote for large group settings. That’s it!

Our eBook for basic shapes for preschool is nonreturnable and nonrefundable.

If your child is still learning to reproduce the basic lines and stroke, take a look at our Lines and Strokes package here.

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30 shapes activities for preschool kids designed by an occupational therapist.
A Shapes Activities for Preschool eBook
£ 15.00